Approval Process bypassing "Unanimous Approval" when next step was Rejected and the Rejection behavior is configured as "Go Back 1 Step"

  • Lets consider you have created an approval process with three steps like below.

  1. Step - 1 with Assigned approver as queue and rejection behavior is 'Final Rejection'
  2. Step - 2 with Assigned approver as 'Unanimous approval required' with 'and rejection behavior is 'Go Back 1 Step'
  3. Step - 3 with Assigned approver as queue and rejection behavior is 'Go Back 1 Step'
Once you are done with the setup, please follow the steps below to reproduce the issue:
  1. Create a Case which meets the criteria and submit for approval
  2. By login as admin approve the first stage(One approval is needed)
  3. Approve the Unanimous approval where it required all the assigned members approval(I have assigned 2 members)- Approve the second stage
  4. As a next step it's waiting for third step approval and reject the record here
  5. As per the configuration it should goto previous Step-2 because you have configure Step-3 rejection behavior as 'Go Back 1 Step' , It will again go to Ste-2 where Unanimous approval is need and it should wait for all the assigned approvers to approve before moving to Step-3
  6. Here you can find the issue that if one user from Unanimous Step-2 is approved, it will not wait for reaming members approval from Step-2, This will directly moves to Step-3 approval. This is something an unexpected behavior.
  7. Mostly you can see this behavior when you deploy the approval process from one org to another org.
How To Fix:
  • Just edit the 'Unanimous approval' step and save without changing anything.

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