How to debug 'There is a Connection Issue' in Embedded Services (Formerly Snap-ins)

During the development you may experience the following error 'There is a Connection Issue'  while initiating chat from Snap-ins after user Click 'Start Chatting ' Button from widget .

When this issue occurs:

1. Suppose you have a chat button with Pre-chat form page or Pre-chat form Url configured
2. The same button you used in your Snap-ins configuration and foget to remove Pre-chat for page or Pre-chat form Url from the button
3. The snap-ins you hosted on your community to test the functionality how it works
4. After filling the snapins pre chat data and click 'start chatting' button , you may get the below error

5. click start chat from here

How to Resolve:

1. First you need to check your button configurations
2. If your button have configured with prechat page form page/url
3. To resolve this, We have to remove the pre-chat form on the selected chat button 

Salesforce Classic - Setup > Chat Buttons & Invitations
Lightning - Setup -> From quick search , search from 'Chat Buttons & Invitations' -> Edit the respective button and remove prechat page form page/url 

 This will solve your snap-ins connection issue.

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